Our AFTER HOURS Titanium Memberships "Titanium" mean our inner strength and being strong in ourselves.
Grants you access to all facilities with one simple and easy to use member portal. You never have to flip a switch, turn on a monitor or play tunes.
Access to the facility is via the member portal with state-of-the-art technology monitoring at all times.
For our After Hours Titanium memberships, PD members must have their care partner with them at all times during after-hour access times. The care partner must be present with the member at check-in, and the care partner must sign into the gym's online booking portal every visit.
PD members must bring their care partners or guests to the gym for a tour and membership evaluation. Each member, subject to their membership type, may get one (1) care partner (local guest) per 24-hour period. The care partner (local guest) will be required to register by member portal and is responsible for the PD member's supervision, guidance, and care.
Each guest must provide identification at the member mobile portal before access to the facility. If a guest decides to purchase a shared membership plan, they will only be permitted to use the base membership privileges provided at the facility. FTH reserves the right to charge a guest fee for out-of-town visitors, which shall be subject to change.
Members have access to the gym after hours daily through the member portal using the GymMaster touch-free door access.
After-hours access is available to our able-bodied population with no physical restrictions or limitations and Blue and Green level members.
Get full access to the gym during midday & evening off-peak hours. Use both Gym & Yoga Studio
Monday -Thursday
5:00 AM – 7:00 AM
12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday
6:00 PM – 10:00PM
1:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Hours are subject to change; please visit the member portal for the most up-to-date information.
After-hours access is available to our able-bodied population with no physical restrictions or limitations and Blue and Green level members.